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Your aim, accuracy and intelligence will be put to test in this addictive game. Knock down all the cans and some points to prove you're the best!


3D game with real physics!

CanCan 3D

An app to optimize your daily activities by keeps track of how you spend your time.


Currently this app is in beta test. To get the application click on the image beside.


Pacote de tarefas diárias que ajudarão você a cuidar de sua casa em tempo recorde! O pacote é adicionado diretamente na agenda de seu celular.

Agenda de Casa

Has received some calls in the middle of a meeting, lecture or class? Well that day forgot to put the phone in silent mode. What embarrassment , no?


Never again! Silencer Czech its agenda and , in the time of each event marked as busy , automatically switches the sound mode of your phone. You can choose to switch from normal mode to vibrate or silent .


Simple to use, all you have to do is to mark your events on your mobile calendar .


Silencer only automatically activates for events where you appear as busy.

Has received some calls in the middle of a meeting, lecture or class? Well that day forgot to put the phone in silent mode. What embarrassment , no?


Never again! Silencer Czech its agenda and , in the time of each event marked as busy , automatically switches the sound mode of your phone. You can choose to switch from normal mode to vibrate or silent .


Simple to use, all you have to do is to mark your events on your mobile calendar .


Silencer only automatically activates for events where you appear as busy.

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